
Conscious Capitalism: How Patagonia Bet the Company on Mother Earth

When an announcement about the ownership of Patagonia was finally made after ideas about its future had bounced around headquarters for a few years, few could have foreseen the immediate destiny of one of the biggest brands in outdoor apparel. For founder and owner Yvon Chouinard, the right situation and the right buyer had never seemed to materialize, so he became open to a more radical idea. On what seemed to be any other mid-September day, Patagonia declared that it was giving the company awa

Don't be "That Guy"

You’re at the trailhead, getting ready for the Saturday group ride. You’ve been looking forward to this all week, meticulously going over your mountain bike to make sure it’s ready for the ride. Then you see him. “That guy” pulls next to your group. A friend of a buddy, he’s been invited along, and you’re not pleased.

“That guy” may be a bit annoying; maybe he doesn’t get all the social cues. But have you ever stopped to think if you’re “that guy”? Maybe not to this group of friends, but perhap

Mountain bikes are expensive, and we often cut corners and make sacrifices to bring that price down. But this may have you spending more money later.

Have you ever heard the phrase “buy once, cry once”? The idea is that spending more money on the front end of a purchase means you’ll spend less in the long run. Mountain bikes are expensive, and we often cut corners and make sacrifices to bring that price down. But this may have you spending more money later.

If you’re looking into buying a new bike, chances are you’ve done your homework by watching and reading as many reviews as possible. With so many different options and ever-increasing tec

What you need to know to choose your first bike

Buying a mountain bike can be an intimidating experience, especially if you are new to the sport. “Hardtail”, “full-suspension”, “29er or 27.5”–the lingo alone is enough to make your head spin. Then comes the nerve-racking task of actually walking into a bike shop and demonstrating to industry professionals that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Before you start breaking a sweat, remember that the vast majority of bike shops are run by employees who love bikes and are genuinely happy

Are Mountain Bikers a Bunch of Pessimists?

Phil’s Trailhead is the largest and most popular trailhead in Bend, Oregon. Despite a huge parking lot, riding on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon often means parking along the access road leading to the trailhead. It is the closest major trailhead to Bend and the first to experience the melt.

Like many popular trailheads, Phil’s had a “skills” area consisting of a pump track, a whoop section (which seemed more appropriate for dirt bikes), and dirt jumps for all skill levels. Around a decade had

New Study Says Attitudes Toward e-MTBs are More Positive Than Negative

E-bikes may be one of the most divisive topics in the world of mountain biking. Regardless of being pro or anti e-bike, we all have seen e-bikes grow in popularity. Many mountain bikers have added an e-bike to their lineup. Others have found the sport through e-bikes. Despite the boom of e-bike riders, it’s hard to say we’ve see a boom in e-bike trail access.

If you are an e-bike rider, you likely are aware of the limitations. Many trails that fall under agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service

Be prepared for your next adventure with your kids out on the mountain biking trails

Once the weather starts turning to warmer, longer days, you may consider finding more outdoor activities to do with your kids. Mountain biking can be a great way to get your kids outside, enjoy nature, and get some physical activity.

However, expectations of a glorious day with your kids on the trails can turn miserable if you’re unprepared. Biking with kids is a different animal, and a few poor experiences can sully their perception. Before you and the kids strap on your helmets, throw your le

Get the mountain bike of your dreams with these three easy upgrades

If you’re considering getting a quality mountain bike, maybe you’ve noticed that it can come with a hefty price tag. Men’s mountain bikes, women’s — even kid’s mountain bikes can be expensive.

Often, buying a lower-end model with the intention of upgrading the components makes sense, but what upgrades have a return on performance? These three mountain bike upgrades will help you increase your mtb skill and take your riding to the next level.

Commonly referred to as a dropper post, this type of

COTA is Trying to Make Trails Accessible, Not Easy in Bend, Oregon

A few Saturdays ago, I attended an event held by Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA), my local trail organization. Despite the light rain that persisted throughout the outdoor event, quite a few folks showed up to hear how the assessment of some 100 miles of Central Oregon trails was going.

The assessment that had been going on several days before the event was to see how accessible the trails were to adaptive mountain bike users. Quinn Brett and Joe Stone of Dovetail Trail Consulting partnere

4 Habits that Improved my Technical Climbing

When winter sets in, many mountain bikers trade their bikes for skis or snowboards and hit the slopes. Unfortunately, that’s not me. I don’t have an off-season activity I can start doing when the snow flies. Fortunately, I live in a place where, despite the snow, I can stay riding my mountain bike nearly year-round.

From late spring to late fall, most mountain bikers are riding trails on the west side of Bend, Oregon, where I grew up and currently live. When the snow sets in, we head east, to B

Must-haves while mountain biking in the wild or even close to home

We often make sure our mountain bike is in good running condition before a ride, but checking the bike gear we bring along can often slip our minds. Think of this as a checklist of sorts, so you’re ready for your next mountain biking adventure!

Safety should be the number one priority when considering bike gear. At the bare minimum, you should wear a quality helmet when you are on the bike. Helmet manufacturers consider the features found on mountain bike trails when designing their helmets, so

Matthew Fairbrother is Bikepacking to Enduro World Cups. And Doing Damn Well

At the end of last season, I signed up for a race. The event took place at my local bike park and was an attempt to incorporate several cycling disciplines into one race. It started with a long descent down one of the park’s black diamond trails followed by a few wooden features. The features landed racers on a gravel road where we sprinted to get back to the singletrack, with a final climb of a few hundred feet to the finish.

Now, for a select few, this was a competitive race. For the rest of

These Mobile Bike Shops are Making Repairs Faster and Easier for Customers

Last summer, a friend of mine set out on a road trip around the Northwest intending to ride some of the area’s excellent mountain biking destinations. He descended a particularly steep chute at one of his stops when he lost control for a second and bashed his wheel into a rock. The result was two broken spokes, one bent, and a wheel out of true.

Three of the area’s bike shops gave my friend a timeline of at least four days to fix his wheel. Another told him they were a week out. This was on day

Ice Baths and Mountain Biking: To Dip or not to Dip?

If you are on social media, you have probably come across this video while scrolling: a person in a robe stands on their deck with several inches of snow covering the ground. They are using a hammer to break through the inch of ice that has formed on the giant tub full of water they are standing next to. Once the ice is broken up, the individual removes their robe and climbs into the frigid water. Often, the video then switches to a “timelapse,” showing the handful of minutes the person remains

Meet the 19-Year-Old Building a Bike Company

What is the bike industry like where you live? Is there a bike manufacturer you are proud to ride because you feel it represents the state or even the city you live in?

If you are a California resident, you have a lot of options: Intense and Canyon USA’s headquarters are in Southern California. A few hundred miles north lands you in the homes of major brands such as Santa Cruz, Specialized, and Ibis. Washington has a handful of bike brands, as does Colorado.

Despite being a state known for its

Avoid the Bonk with These 3 Fast, Easy, and Eco-Friendly Trail Snacks

Near the end of last summer, I talked a friend into riding around one of our local mountains. It was an established route, connecting several known trails, totaling about 23 miles. This was certainly on the longer side of my normal rides, but I felt confident knowing that I had easily completed a 20-mile ride a few weeks before.

I completed this 20-mile, trail-connecting loop in just over 2 hours. I knew the loop around the mountain would be a bit more challenging, as the elevation gain alone w

EveryPedal MTB is Building a Community for Riders of All Ages

My son, age five, just bumped up in bike sizes, going from 16 to 20 inch wheels. The size wasn’t the only change with the addition of gears and lever brakes. Only in the last few days has he pushed through the frustration, and fear, of learning something new, and moved on to riding this new bike with confidence.

My daughter is three years old and currently making the transition from a balance bike to one with pedals. It’s been rough. We have yet to see that move to confident riding like her bro

3 Expert Tips to Improve Winter Mountain Bike Performance

If you live in an area with cold-weather mountain biking in the winter, maybe you can relate to this scenario. It was a Saturday, a few weeks back, and the temperature was a brisk 29°F as I climbed out of my rig at the trailhead. I did a few jumping jacks while I got my shoes and gloves on, strapped on my hip pack, and pulled my bike off the rack. A final check of the thermometer told me the temperature had jumped 1°.

This ride, similar to many of my winter rides in freezing temperatures, would

Winter Riding: Oregon's Best Spots to Mountain Bike When the Snow Flies

As the seasons change, and the forecast turns white, mountain bikes are often traded for skis and snowboards. And if you are not one to hit the slopes, your days are likely spent counting down until the trails thaw.

For many, winter riding is impossible, with some areas snowed in all season long. For others, cold weather trails are thriving, if you know where to look for them. This is certainly true for much of Oregon.

Ask a Portland mountain biker where to ride and they will likely point you

Mountain Bike Flip-Chips: Good or Gimmick?

If you’re throwing your leg over a modern-day trail bike, chances are your trusty steed comes with adjustable geometry in the form of a “flip-chip.”

Flip-chips have been on bikes for quite some time now. Early flip-chips took a bike with bad geometry and made it, well, slightly less bad. But, as mountain bike technology progressed, and bike engineers and manufacturers dialed in the perfect geometry, we have seen more and more flip-chip bikes.

So the question becomes: why? Why in a world where

5 Reasons I Want my Kids to Mountain Bike

As a parent, navigating the activities that you desire your children to be passionate about can be tricky. We often find ourselves tip-toeing a precarious line between allowing our kids to discover their passions and pushing them toward our own. Baseball, dance, football, tennis, basketball—if you’re a parent, I’m sure you are familiar with the list.

As I continued to venture down the parenting journey, I realized that I really want my kids to ride mountain bikes. And while I don’t want them to